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State Vocational Rehabilitation agencies furnish a wide variety of services to help people with disabilities return to work. These services are designed to provide the client with the training and other services that are needed to return to work, to enter a new line of work, or enter the workforce for the first time.
Full Circle Employment Solutions provides fee-for-service benefits counseling in multiple states. This is a free service to you. Please contact us to see if we provide services in your state.
How to connect with us for benefits counseling:
If you found help with a state VR agency, your case may be closed approximately 90 days after you start working. After VR services end, many people find that they need continuing support services to help them keep their job and increase their earnings over time. That’s why state VR agencies often partner with ENs that provide job retention services and other types of ongoing support.
This arrangement, known as Partnership Plus, gives Ticket program participants continued access to individualized employment services, if needed. After VR services have ended, you can assign your Ticket to an EN of your choice to receive these additional services. Partnership Plus sets you up for success by providing the support you need at each step to financial self-sufficiency.
For more information on Vocational Rehabilitation or Partnership Plus, please visit the ChooseWork website.
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